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I've spent years studying the human body and how to change it .
My name is Yossif and I've lost over 100 pounds. I've proven the science
behind simple nutrition. Now, I want to help you.
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Burn fat without trying! Keto 101

glucose metabolism fat mass

Not sure what a carb is? Get your FREE ebook! Easy fat loss: Keto part 2 is here! Keto part 3 is here! Your body is 80% nutrition, 20% exercise. You can’t outrun your fork. You can change your body if you watch what you eat. Did you know you can burn fat without trying? You can […]

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Weight loss diet plan simplified!

This is a very simple guide to my preferred weight loss diet plan. This is what I do when I want to lose some extra weight fairly easily and quickly. It’s quick and dirty, but it works. This is a summary taken from many sources gathered over the years. It doesn’t apply to everyone, but most […]

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Weight loss using ancient diet? Paleo diet 101

caveman paleo paleolithic diet

Guess what!? You’re a remnant from the paleo era of humanity. You’re little more than a super-intelligent ape. Have you tried eating like one? The human animal is an amazing omnivore, it can eat almost anything and survive. Does this mean it should eat anything and everything? Certainly not. I believe your body is “programmed” to use certain […]

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Top 10 reasons why you should not lose weight!

can't stop eating lose weight

So over the past 5 years or so I’ve lost over 100 pounds. I managed to lose weight like crazy. I’ve got to admit something: It sucks to lose weight. Don’t bother. Why? Here’s my reasons: 1. Have to buy new clothing So what if I buy all XXXL clothing? I already have a wardrobe full of […]

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