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I've spent years studying the human body and how to change it .
My name is Yossif and I've lost over 100 pounds. I've proven the science
behind simple nutrition. Now, I want to help you.
Join me and I'll teach you how to take back control of your mind and body!
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How to properly hydrate your body

Hi Everyone, Yossif here. Today I have a post about the importance of water and how to properly hydrate your body to best achieve good health and wellness. My Friend Danny B has written up a great overview on why we need water and how best to use it for great results. Plus it is […]

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Best Foods For Muscle Recovery?

Best Foods For Muscle Recovery You’ve been working out hard in the gym the past few days. Regardless if you’re a beginner or if you’re someone that has a regular membership, an increase in activity level is sure to lead to soreness in your muscles. When you’re uncomfortable, there’s a higher likelihood that you aren’t […]

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How do addictive drugs mess up my sleep and how can I control it?

Hey everybody, this week I have a guest post about substance abuse and how you can control the struggles of addiction.  Sleep is easily one of the most important aspects of your life and health and drugs will mess it up very easily. I know quite well for instance that alcohol is a drug and as […]

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5 Reasons Why You Should Try the Ketogenic Diet

keto salad

Hey everyone, Yossif here. Sorry for my lack of updates but in the meantime I’ve got a special guest post about Why You Should Try the Ketogenic Diet from my friend Noor Najam! 5 Reasons Why You Should Try the Ketogenic Diet The Ketogenic diet is a term on everyone’s lips these days. Since most […]

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