So what is the best exercise to lose weight? It’s a complicated thing. The wise words of Socrates comes to mind: …What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. – Socrates In other words: do you even lift, bro? So as […]
Intermittent Fasting 101: The secret behind the hunger
If you’re really interested in serious intermittent fasting, check out my best selling intermittent fasting 101 eBook! Intermittent Fasting isn’t easy but I’ve listed my favorite products from Amazon that will help keep you on track HERE! Most people just don’t understand fasting. Fasting is a very powerful tool if used correctly. Learning about intermittent fasting was […]
Best way to lose weight? Get the right mindset!
So what is the best way to lose weight? You have two foes to fight when you want to lose weight: Your brain and your body. They are powerful enemies that want to keep you exactly where you are and will not budge without making mindful changes. They are genetically programmed to stick to one […]
Amazing story of 120 pound weight loss journey
Hey there. Call me “Yossif.” Have we met yet? So do you want to hear a story about my weight loss journey? OK, cool. My story is one of ups and downs, failures and successes, despair and hope. If nothing else, I hope it might provide some people with inspiration. I was the proverbial fat […]