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I've spent years studying the human body and how to change it .
My name is Yossif and I've lost over 100 pounds. I've proven the science
behind simple nutrition. Now, I want to help you.
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My favorite links:


This man doesn’t mess around, he gets straight to the point and tell you how to get healthy. If you want to lose fat, gain muscle, feel good: Read it. It’s not for newbies, though. Very science-heavy… Just the way I like it! Take a look at his clients and see the progress they make with Leangains. Impressive stuff.

Silver Hydra /

I found this guy’s site before Leangains and it was a good first stepping stone. He’s just as well informed as Martin but a lot more scientific and very jargon-heavy. Regardless, his stuff is some of the best information on health out there. He also primarily runs the site, which is one of the first places I stop to see the legitimacy of any given supplement. He also has an interesting “cheat-mode” protocol based off Leangains that I like. Check out the Supplement-Goals Reference Guide. It’s everything you wanted to know about supplementation but were afraid to ask!

Mark’s Daily Apple

Gotta love this guy. He’s an older guy but healthier than most 20 year olds. His simple secret? Live like a caveman. I love the numerous Paleo articles and how he condenses the highly scientific stuff down to a level that anyone can digest. I’ll be referring to his stuff often. Check out his site for a good guideline on how to start a weight loss journey. (At least until I get mine going!)

Jimmy Moore’s livin la vida low Carb

He’s a guy who I admire for his mastery of the low-carb/keto lifestyle. He’s like me, he lost a ton of weight simply from changing his eating habits. I love watching his facebook page for all the fun updates about the BS carb-stuffed foods that he rips apart.


This is an advanced nutritional program designed by a Neurologist/Neurosurgeon/Human Nutrition expert, Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride. She’s discovered some crazy stuff about the human body that I’ve wondered about for years. I’m talking the possible causes of Austism, OCD, ADHD, ADD, food allergies, psychosis, etc etc etc. Pretty intense stuff. For anyone with children, I’d highly suggest reading about this and trying it out. She’s done some very impressive things for many kids.

Weston A. Price

This is a group I’ve only just learned about within the last half a year or so, but I think it vibes very well with all the other nutritional information I’ve learned over the years. While I don’t 100% agree with everything they have to say, I think most of the stuff is good advice. There’s a lot of lost knowledge in the ways of people in the old days, and these guys are good at reclaiming some of that vital information about how and what to eat. Old world knowledge has been used for a long time for good reason, and only in modern times are we drastically changing the way we eat.

Food Renegade

I was originally going to call my blog this but it was already taken, haha. I love this blog for the balance between good research and easy to understand topics. I love the hard-hitting anti-frankenfood stuff especially. She makes a very strong case for real foods. Check it out for more good quality info about getting real nutrition.

Dr. Mercola

I have a love/hate relationship with this site. On one hand, I like how it straightforwardly tells how to get healthier, but you’ll have to read through thousands of very fluff-filled articles to really get the point. He also prefers a sensationalistic approach to health headlines, which is understandable, but gets old quick. He has a decent guideline to healthy living, but some of it seems like a waste of time. I’ve heard he’s a quack from many sources, but ultimately it’s up to the person to see if it works for them or not. Taken with a grain of salt, he’s got some thought provoking articles.

Soundness of Body & Mind

Rachel is a fellow real food enthusiast. She has been on the other side of the coin: excessive weight loss and brain fog from bad diet. She has a lot of information for those who feel like they want to rejuvenate themselves and their body, while having a healthy relationship with real food. She has many informational articles and awesome looking recipes. Be sure to check it out.


Recommended reading:

The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food

This is a report about how food companies specifically design the food to be addictive by adding various nasty chemicals and using science to determine the engineering that leads to addictive man-made foods. I have not fully read it yet, but this is what I often talk about. All they care about is money by making you their unwilling addict. They’re the drug dealers, this is their drug. Stick to real foods if you care for your body, because they sure as hell DON’T.

Bitter Pill: Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us

This report basically summarizes why it doesn’t make sense to be unhealthy. Like the food companies, the medical companies make money from sick people, not healthy people. I’ve hear many stories from people who’ve been on numerous medications and felt terrible. For whatever reason, they get off them and suddenly it’s a whole new world of relief. I swear the medicines are many times worse than the disease they’re trying to treat. I firmly believe many modern maladies can be treated and prevented through simply avoiding crappy foods.



(Note, I’m a newbie to cooking so I won’t provide much in terms of what to make. I’ll provide guidelines and let these guys give you options for what to make)

DJ Foodie

This man has mastered the art of low carb foods! He has a huge website dedicated to helping people live a low carb lifestyle. He gives you plenty of choices for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! Each one comes with very helpful details about nutritional facts. It makes me wish I had a bigger kitchen… He also has an awesome blog, check it out!

Eat This Much

I’ve known of this service for a while, but only recently have they really upped the low carb/paleo/fasting aspects. It’s a good method to count your calories/carb intake for when you want to get really serious but don’t know what to make. The recipies seem to repeat after a while, but still good for ideas.

Caveman Keto

Linda’s Low Carb

All day I dream about food

Your Lighter Side

Against All Grain

Maria’s Nutritious & Delicious Journal

Nom Nom Paleo


Unrelated, but good nonetheless:

Mr. Money Mustache

Love this stuff. It’s as if I wrote a frugality blog. Not going to lie, he was more or less the inspiration to get this blog going. A no b******t straight to the point guide to saving money and living better. If you want to save some money while you get healthy, read up on his stuff. Highly suggested.


I’ll post more as I find them. Contact me if you have something I should add to the list!



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