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Keto Cappuccino Ice cream

So I was offered an opportunity to review a high quality, hand-crafted, organic coffee! With this coffee, I also whipped up a new low carb ice cream recipe: “Keto Cappuccino Ice cream!”

Keto Cappuccino Ice cream

Wood-Fire Roasted Coffee Company

This is a unique little brand that roasts their Arabica beans in a specially designed small batch wood roaster. This gives the beans a little extra tinge of smoky flavor.

They were kind enough to send me a bag of beans to give a try. Now, as you probably know, I love Coffee. You might even call me a coffee snob.

I grinded up the beans in my ceramic burr grinder and made a simple french press style cup to try and maximize the flavors of the coffee. I was really impressed! It had notes of Chocolate and hazelnut, as well as a bit of a woody/smoky flavor. It was very smooth and flavorful, just the way I like it!  As a pseudo coffee-snob, I greatly approve of this coffee; I can definitely see myself getting more.

Keto Cappuccino Ice cream!

In addition, I was asked to whip up a little recipe with this delicious coffee. I’ve been experimenting with some various ice-cream making methods lately and I wanted to make something that would be like a chocolately cappuccino but in a healthy ice cream form. With this, you’ll never need that sugar-packed crap that they sell at Starbucks and Caribou ever again!

One thing to keep in mind is that to have really good quality ice cream, you need to give the mix some time to thicken up before you add the ice. I usually do this by adding powdered ingredients and some water-soluble fibers like Chia seeds or psyllium fiber. They’ll expand and help to make the mix less watery. I love to throw in high quality protein powders as well.

Keto Cappuccino Ice cream

I brewed up some coffee, and let it sit overnight in the fridge to cool.

The next day I used it in my Keto cappuccino ice cream recipe!

Keto Cappuccino Ice cream

Keto cappuccino Ice cream!
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
I whipped this up with some delicious chilled Wood-fire Roasted Coffee Company "Nicaragua" brand coffee! It's low carb and tastes amazing! Super easy and delicious!
Recipe type: Ketogenic
Cuisine: Breakfast, dessert
Serves: 4 (depends on blender)
  • ½ Cup chilled Coffee (Using "Wood-fire Roasted Coffee" brand coffee!)
  • ½ cup Almond milk (or coconut milk)
  • ¼ cup Coconut cream
  • ¼ cup Heavy whipping cream (or half and half)
  • 2 tsp low carb sweetener (I used Erythritol)
  • 1 tsp organic liquid vanilla extract
  • ⅛ tsp ground allspice
  • 4 tbsp psyllium fiber or Chia seeds (or both!)
  • Pinch of salt
  • :::Optional:::
  • 2 spoons Peanut butter
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder
  • Replace the sweetener with your own pre-sweetened Protein Powder
  1. Get a decent sized blender or Blentec/Vitamix. (or anything that can blend up ice)
  2. Add all the ingredients (except ice) together in the blender and mix until well blended. It will be liquidy at first, but the psyllium fiber/chia seeds will thicken it as they absorb the liquid and expand. Add extra tsp if not thicker than a liquid if it seems too runny. The secret to good blender ice cream is to make the initial mix nice and thick.
  3. Add your ice. The amount of ice depends on your blender, but I added about 10 cubes to fill the blender to the top. Double the liquids and add the same amount of ice for a smoothie of sorts.
  4. Will keep in the freezer for a few weeks. Enjoy as a dessert or a pick me up in the morning.
Nutrition Information
Serving size: 4 Carbohydrates: ~19 net Sugar: ~21

I used peanut butter and my own low-carb protein powder for this. It turned out amazing! Give a try for yourself and let me know what you think. My version came out to be only about 19 net grams of carbs, so it’s very Keto friendly.

Special thanks to the fine people of the Wood-Fire Roasted Coffee Company. Give them a try and see for yourself!

Your friend,


intermittent fasting

Last updated by on .

About Yossif

Hey, I'm Yossif. I get angry about health and food. I think I know what I'm talking about, but I dunno. Most people can't drop 100 lbs by accident, right? I want to try and helps others get healthy and fit. There's a lot of lies and crappy info out there, I'm trying to shovel it out of the way. Sign up for my newsletter here!

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