Get the body you've always wanted!

I've spent years studying the human body and how to change it .
My name is Yossif and I've lost over 100 pounds. I've proven the science
behind simple nutrition. Now, I want to help you.
Join me and I'll teach you how to take back control of your mind and body!
Plus, get a FREE eBook: Everything you need to know get fit!

FREE eBook, limited time only!

FREE eBook, available now! Since February is over, I’m sure there’s a lot of you out there who are getting burned out on your new years resolutions. Before you give into your old habits, I urge you to read this book! Summer is around the corner and I’m sure there’s a lot of you struggling to lose […]

2014: Weight loss challenge success!

So as some of you might remember, I decided to drop some weight back in April of this year (2014). I’m proud to announce that I have been successful in my weight loss challenge!   Money as weight loss motivation While money is certainly a powerful motivator, it should only be a method to the […]

3 days without food!? Are you crazy!?

Just for fun. Yes, I am very serious. 72 hours without any food. Yes, I’ve gone about 3 days without food. Impossible, you say? Heh, you underestimate how my body works: Most people feel dizzy or faint without food, I literally skip breakfast and lunch on an almost daily basis. Most people can’t exercise without energy […]

How to not be hungry? Intermittent fasting part 2!

If you’re really interested in serious intermittent fasting, check out my best selling intermittent fasting 101 eBook! What is intermittent fasting? Check out Part one! In part two, we’ll be discussing my techniques on how to not be hungry. Also be sure to check out my favorite brands of fasting tools, directly from! How to not […]